The Village Church

a community formed by the gospel and sent on God’s mission

making • Maturing • Multiplying

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The Latest

Sunday Gatherings & More



We gather on Sundays at 10:30am in downtown Hamilton, Ohio.

Take a peek at our gathering space!

You’re welcome to join us each week in the lower level of The 210, the former Sears building in downtown Hamilton. Get your head around your first visit by watching a brief tour of our location!



Find our gathering space in the heart of the city.

The 210 offers an abundance of free lot and street parking on Sundays. Automatic doors, handicap bathrooms on the first floor, an elevator, and our open gathering space make it easily accessible for wheelchairs, strollers, and walkers.



Learn more about our community and mission.

We know you can’t really know a church until you’ve gathered with a church, but we also know how helpful it is to know as much as you can before you do! Here’s where you can learn a little more about us:



Take a next step in joining Village life.

Interested in getting more connected?

We’ve made it easy for everyone from first-time guests to long-time members to find - and take! - new opportunities! On our Next Steps page, you can fill out a Connect Card, RSVP for events, and download our Church Center app.




Find every group, fill out every form, give every gift, RSVP to every event, and see every upcoming opportunity - in one place! You can check your kids into K-Ville before you even arrive, watch or listen to past sermons, and more.



Village Info & Events



current sermon series:

Not Ashamed:


with The Village

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