Boldly Live (Jeremiah 29:1-9) | 1/12/25

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Boldly Live
(Jeremiah 29:1-9)

Living as exiles means contributing as fellow humans – in light of God, for good – without being swept away with the world.

How to live as exiles:

  1. Live life. (4-6)

  2. Advance good. (7)

  3. Don’t swerve. (8-9)



Reflection Questions

  • When you think about your place in this world, do you fit snuggly, or feel tension?

    What does that say about what world you’re living for?

  • How has God challenged you to live life, advancing good, without serving today?

    What is your story of how you joined God’s story?

  • How has Jesus done exactly what Jeremiah encourages of God’s people?

    How does that change the way you live?

Scott O'Donohoe